Alex Fung, a renowned and talented photographer, developed a passion in photography for more than 20 years. His gifts and expertise in the field has virtually no limits, which range from sports and dynamic to nature and wildlife, traveling to portraiture, pictorial to documentary to bodyscape....
Alex is an accomplished international exhibitor and has collected countless awards in international competitions. His photos were exhibited throughout the seven continents. He has also received numerous titles, Who’s Who Top Ten in both Color & Monochrome sections of Photographic Society of America, Fellow in Royal Photographic Society in both documentary and travel divisions, Fellow in Photographic Salon Exhibitors Association (PSEA), Associates in Wilmington International exhibition of photography, ... to name a few.
With the vision of the forthcoming era in digital photography, he not only moved completely away from traditional large format film-based to digital photography years ago, he also play a leading and major role in encouraging and promoting modern digital photography and post processing by organizing and teaching classes, writing articles and giving lectures etc.
As a result of his profound knowledge, he was invited as speaker in numerous lectures, seminars and conferences by photographic societies in both Hong Kong and Macau. Topics are diversified, including specialized photography, digital photography and digital darkroom etc. The lecture halls and seminar rooms in Hong Kong City Hall, Cultural Center, and Central Library are places he frequent. He has published more than 100 articles in photography journals and magazines and has been interviewed by many different Medias. He currently plays a key and active role in different photographic societies. His contributions to the field, in particularly modern digital photography, are undoubtedly well recognized.
FUNG, Man-yu, Alex
President, Alex Fung Photo Workshop
Chairman, Metro Photographic Club (2001 to 2009)
Vice-Chairman, Royal Photographic Society HK Chapter (2008-2015)
Who’s Who Top Ten (PPD monochrome & Colour), Photographic Society of America (USA)
Galaxy Exhibitor, Photographic Society of America (USA)
Fellow in Royal Photographic Society ( Documentary and Travel divisions ) (UK)
Fellow in Photographic Salon Exhibitors Association (HK)
Fellow in Ngi Ching Photographic Association (USA)
Fellow in Metro Photographic Club (HK)
Fellow in Grace Photographic Club (HK)
Fellow in United Artist Photographic Association (HK)
Excellance Federation Internationale De L'art Photographique
Excellent (EPSA) Photographic Society of America (USA)
Associate in Photographic Society of Hong Kong (HK)
Member of Society of Worldwide Ethnic Chinese Photographers (China)
Associateship, Wilmington International Exhibition of Photography (USA)
Salon Chairman, United Artist Photographic Association (2004, 2005)
Hon. Member of Metro Photographic Club (HK)
Hon. Fellow in Metro Photoraphic Club (HK)
Hon. Fellow in H.K. Yau Ma Tei Photography Association (HK)
Hon. Member of United Artist Photographic Association (HK)
Hon. Adviser of BCSPS (Canada)
Hon. Adviser of United Artist Photography Association (HK)
Hon. Adviser of Hong Kong Yau Ma Tei Photography Association (HK)
Senior Adviser of CZW (Shenzhen, China)
Hon. Adviser of Canon Photo Club (HK)
Round the world with Alex Fung (2008)
Tanzania Safari (2009)
Perception in Monochrome (2009)
Monochrome Photo Exhibition (2010)
Start from Hong Kong Photo Exhibition (2011)
Around the world from the heart (2011)
From Antarctica to Patagonia (2013)
Tale of Hydrangea (2014)
Photo Album
Round the world with Alex Fung - 2008
Tanzania Safari (2009)
Perception in Monochrome (2009)
Start from Hong Kong (2011)
From Antarctica to Patagonia (2013)'
- Tale of Hydrangea (2014)
Seminar in Party on Modern Printing – Epson Hong Kong Ltd.
Digital photography – creative art - United Artist Photographic Association
The making of digital photos - HK Yau Ma Tei Photographic Association
Seminar in Digital Photography - The Hong Kong Art of Photographic Association
How to apply for “ Fellowship of Royal Photographic Society”- Pioneer Photographic Association of HK
Talks on digital creative photography - United Artist Photographic Association & The Hong Kong Art of Photographic Association
Talks on Digital Photography - South China Film Industry Workers Union (Photo group)
“Digital Salon Photography” the appreciation - Macau Digital Photographic Association
Talk on how to apply for "Fellowship of The Royal Photographic Society" - Hong Kong Miniature Camera Photography Society
Digital Photography - The Photographic Society of Macau
The making of digital photos - Chinese Photographic Association
The fellowship examination in Royal Photographic Society - The Royal Photographic Society HK Chapter
Digital creative photography - The Photographic Society of Macau
The talk on Nude Photography - The Hong Kong Art of Photographic Association
Travel towards the world - HK Yau Ma Tei Photographic Association
New dimension on digital photography - Sea Gull Photographic Association
Digital post processing - Foto28
Digital photography in Europe - The Chinese Photographic Association
From digital photography to digital darkroom - The Photographic Society of HK
Artistic photography and digital photography - The Photographic Salon Exhibitors Association
“ The Mystery World”digital photography - The Chinese Photographic Association
African Safari and digital darkroom - The Photographic Society of HK
Digital Darkroom Update - HK Doctor’s Photographic Photo Club
Creative digital art - The Chinese Photographic Association
“From Hong Kong to the World” Scenery Photography - The Evergreen Photo Club of Hong Kong
Africa Safari - Pioneer Photographic Association of Hong Kong
Photographic Skill in Travel - Tai Po Photographic Club
Digital Photography Trend - The Charter Institute of Marketing (HK)
Monochrome and Infrared Photography - Macau Digital Photographic Association (Macau)
Travel Photography - Hong Kong China Tourism Press
Start from Hong Kong Travel Photography
馮敏如 (Alex Fung) – 香港知名攝影家,涉獵題材廣泛,包括運動、野外生態、旅遊、畫意、寫實、靜物、人物、人體....等等。馮敏如是一個卓越的展覽者,在國際沙龍比賽上獲獎無數,成績嬌人,近年多次獲得世界攝影沙龍十傑(彩色及黑白組)。曾以極短的時間一次考獲兩組英國皇家攝影學會高級會士名銜(FRPS)。現任港鐵攝影會主席、英國皇家攝影學會香港分會學術統籌。近年專注研究數碼攝影及發展數碼影像後期處理,透過授課,研討會和編寫文章推廣數碼攝影,在鼓勵和提升現代數碼攝影方面扮演著重要的角色。
馮敏如攝影坊 創會會長
港鐵攝影會 主席(2001 - 2009)
沙龍影友協會對外事務 主席
英國皇家攝影學會香港分會 副主席
世界攝影沙龍十傑(2004,2005,2006,2007 畫意組-黑白/彩色)
EPSA 美國攝影學會 影像成就鑑定獎傑出級別
PSA5* 美國攝影學會5星攝影家(彩色畫意組)
PSA Galaxy Three 美國攝影學會銀河級攝影家(黑白畫意組)
FRPS 英國皇家攝影學會高級會士(紀實及旅遊兩組別)
FPSEA 沙龍影友協會高級會士
FNCPA 美國紐約藝青攝影學會高級會士
FMPC 港鐵攝影會高級會士
FGPC 恩典攝影學會博學會士
FUAPA 影聯攝影學會高級會士
AFIAP 國際影藝聯盟 (Artist) 名銜
APSHK 香港攝影學會會士
SWECP 世界華人攝影學會會員
Hon. MPC 港鐵攝影會榮譽會員
Hon. FMPC 港鐵攝影會榮譽高級會士
Hon. FHKYMTPA 香港油麻地攝影學會榮譽高級會士
Hon. UAPA 影聯攝影學會名譽會員
影聯攝影學會國際沙龍主席 (2004, 2005)
馮敏如攝影作品展覽 - 向世界出發 (2008)
坦桑尼亞獵奇攝影作品展覽 (2009)
純影、純感覺 - 黑白及紅外線攝影作品展覽 (2009)
黑白及紅外線攝影作品展覽 (2010)
從香港出發攝影作品展覽 (2010)
走遍世界,從心出發 (2011)
向極地進發 - 南極及巴塔哥尼亞 (2013)
- 繡球花物語 (2014)
攝影作品集 - 影集
馮敏如攝影作品集 - 向世界出發 - 2008
坦桑尼亞獵奇攝影作品集 - 2009
純影、純感覺攝影作品集 - 2009
馮敏如攝影作品集 - 從香港出發 - 2010
向極地進發 - 南極及巴塔哥尼亞 - 2013
繡球花物語 - 2014
Epson 摩登、攝、印大派對攝影講座 - Epson香港有限公司
數碼攝影藝術創作攝影講座 - 影聯攝影學會
數碼相片制作 - 香港油麻地攝影學會
數碼攝影講座 - 香港攝影藝術協會
如何投考"英國皇家攝影學會高級會士"名銜 - 明峰攝影學會
數碼攝影創作技巧漫談 - 影聯攝影學會, 香港攝影藝術協會 合辦
數碼攝影漫談 - 華南影聯攝影組
"數碼沙龍作品"欣賞 - 澳門數碼攝影學會
英國皇家攝影學會高級會士作品分享 - 香港小型機攝影會
數碼攝影 - 澳門攝影學會
數碼相片制作講座 - 中華攝影學會
英國皇家攝影學會高級會士名銜考試 - 英國皇家攝影學會香港分會
數碼攝影創作 - 澳門攝影學會
人體藝術攝影"漫談 - 香港攝影藝術協會
"向世界出發"旅遊攝影講座 - 香港油麻地攝影學會
數碼創作新思維 - 海鷗攝影學會
數碼後期制作 - Foto28 易拍站
"歐洲風情"數碼攝影 - 中華攝影學會
從數碼攝影到數碼黑房處理 - 香港攝影學會
藝術攝影與數碼創作 - 沙龍影友協會
"神秘國度"數碼攝影講座 - 中華攝影學會
非州原野攻略及數碼黑房處理 - 香港攝影學會
Digital Darkroom Update - 香港醫生攝影學會
數碼藝術創作 - 中華攝影學會
『從香港出發 - 世界風光旅遊』攝影講座 - 長青攝影學社
非洲野生動物拍攝 Africa Safari - 明峰攝影學會
旅遊攝影風光拍攝技巧 - 大埔攝影會
數碼攝影潮流- 英國特許市務學會(香港)
黑白及紅外線攝影 - 澳門數碼攝影學會
旅遊攝影作品欣賞 - 香港中國旅遊出版社
- 從香港出發旅遊攝影作品分享
Snapshot - Tour around the world !
Contact Alex Fung